A Year in Pictures
What a difference a year makes. Despite falling behind on my 52 Weeks Flickr group contributions, I now have an entire year’s worth of self portraits in my 52 Weeks set. Sure, I’ve got 8 more to post,...
View ArticleRun for Your Life
Tomorrow, Troy and I officially start the Cool Running Couch-to-5k Running Program. The late cold weather delayed us several times this month, but now it looks like weather for both of us will be more...
View ArticleIt's Good to Be In Demand
I just fired a 12-page script off to a publisher. It’s not been approved yet, but it felt good to finally accomplish something, even something so short. In a time where most small presses are dropping...
View ArticleMartial Progress
I’m coming up on two years studying Shuri-ryu with the Academy of Okinawan Karate, and I’m still surprised at how far I’ve progressed. My weight loss may have stalled out over the last year, but I’ve...
View ArticleCrises of Confidence
Tonight I was promoted to Sankyu, or 3rd-degree brown belt, in Shuri-ryu karate. That’s not something I’d ever thought I’d be able to say in my lifetime, but man does it feel good. Not that it was an...
View ArticleA Simple Goal: Create Every Day
The problem with goals for word counts or page counts is I tend to beat myself up when I don’t make them. I start feeling like I’ve failed at something, and that makes it even tougher to go back and do...
View ArticleProgress
Man it feels good to be back at the keyboard. I spent the bulk of the day working on The Pack: Lie with the Dead and finished a few chapters. It’s the first really productive day I’ve had in a long...
View ArticleComing Soon
You will soon, at last, have some new Oliveri work in your hands. First up, Evileye Books this weekend released a cover teaser for a new The Pack project, “Bravo Four”: I think you’re gonna dig this...
View ArticleGet the Work Done
“A writer writes,” my editor told me once. “That’s all there is to it.” It was a good pep talk. It’s something I needed to hear, and something I remind myself of often. If I’m going to make a go at...
View Article2013: Full Steam Ahead
Most years, this is the time I sit down to reflect, reassess, and regroup for the coming year. I’m not much feeling it this time around, though. The last quarter gave me more headaches than solutions,...
View ArticleProgress Report
Yes, I’m alive. I’ve just been too busy to post to the blog. Most of it is due to the extra time I’ve been putting into my martial arts training lately. I’ve got a big day coming in March and I need to...
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